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Atlantis : the Andes solution : the discovery of South America as the legendary continent of the theory and the evidence

Autor: J. M. Allen
Rok: 1998
ISBN: 9781900624190
OKCZID: 110130534

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ALLEN, J. M. Atlantis: the Andes solution : the discovery of South America as the legendary continent of the theory and the evidence. Gloucestershire: Windrush Press, 1998. ix, 173 s.



The ancient city of Atlantis was lost after being devastated by floods and earthquakes in about 9000 BC according to Plato. Many theories have grown up regarding its precise location. The author of this text believes that he has solved the mystery of Atlantis and has located a site in what is now modern Bolivia, on the Altiplano where he has found the remains of the canal system described by Plato. Furthermore the city was set on a lake and plated in gold, silver, bronze, tin and a metal called "orichalcum" - all these metals are only found together in great profusion in Bolivia. Archaeological finds such as the Cocaine Mummies of Egypt have also strengthened the idea that old links existed between South America and Egypt.

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