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Dictionary of early Christian literature

Rok: c2000
ISBN: 9780824518059
OKCZID: 110130559

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
DÖPP, Siegmar, ed. a GEERLINGS, Wilhelm, ed. Dictionary of early Christian literature. Překlad Matthew O'CONNELL. New York: Crossroad, c2000. 621 s.

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



The long-awaited successor to the Altaner Patrologie handbooks, the Dictionary presents the life and work of Christian authors up to the eighth century and an assessment of their lasting influence on the Christian tradition. Articles on authors provide a brief description of their lives, a presentation of their works, and an assessment of their influence on the Christian tradition. Other articles deal with types of works and their particular characteristics. Scholars and students will both appreciate the extensive, up-to-date bibliographical information that is supplies.

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