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The fathers of the church | |||||
Autor: Hans von Campenhausen, Hans Campenhausen AnotaceHans von CampenhausenÂ’s two volumes, The Fathers of the Greek Church and The Fathers of the Latin Church, are combined into one volume in this new edition. “The Fathers of the Church” traditionally describes the orthodox writers of the early church. The church came to regard these figures as the exponents of divine truth in the age when the church was taking shape. Their interpretations of the early creeds of the church were decisively influential for all later theology.Written with remarkable fluency, this book contains biographical studies of twelve of the most important of the Greek Fathers and seven of the most important of the Latin Fathers. Professor von Campenhausen places the Church Fathers in the context of their own times and surroundings and describes their personalities, intellectual aims, and contribution to the churchÂ’s life or doctrine in an engaging style that is a pleasure to read. This is a wonderful introduction to these influential early Christians for scholar and layperson alike. Dostupné zdroje