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FORTRAN numerical recipes. vol. 2, Numerical recipes in FORTRAN 90 ; the art of parallel scientific computing

Rok: c1996
ISBN: 9780521574396
OKCZID: 110139485
Vydání: 2nd ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Numerical recipes: in Fortran 90 : the art of parallel scientic computing. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xx, 935-1486 s.

Hodnocení: 3.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



The second volume of the Fortran Numerical Recipes series, Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90 contains a detailed introduction to the Fortran 90 language and to the basic concepts of parallel programming, plus source code for all routines from the second edition of Numerical Recipes. This volume does not repeat any of the discussion of what individual programs actually do, the mathematical methods they utilize, or how to use them.

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