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Rhythmanalysis : space, time, and everyday life

Autor: Lefebvre, Henri
Rok: c2004
ISBN: 9780826472991
ISBN: 9780826469939
OKCZID: 110140085

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LEFEBVRE, Henri. Rhythmanalysis: space, time, and everyday life. Překlad Stuart ELDEN, překlad Gerald MOORE. London: Continuum, c2004. xv, 112 s.

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



Rhythmanalysis displays all the characteristics which made Lefebvre one of the most important Marxist thinkers of the twentieth century. In the analysis of rhythms -- both biological and social -- Lefebvre shows the interrelation of space and time in the understanding of everyday life. With dazzling skills, Lefebvre moves between discussions of music, the commodity, measurement, the media and the city. In doing so he shows how a non-linear conception of time and history balanced his famous rethinking of the question of space. This volume also includes his earlier essays on "The Rhythmanalysis Project" and "Attempt at the Rhythmanalysis of Mediterranean Towns."

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