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Smith and Bailey on the Modern English Legal System: English Law

Rok: 1996
ISBN: 9780421508408
OKCZID: 110144322

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BAILEY, S. H a M. J. GUNN. Smith and Bailey on the modern English legal system. 3rd ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1996, 1030 s. ISBN 0-421-50840-X.



This study examines the English legal system as it is today, rather than dwelling on its evolution and development. This edition looks at the contemporary legal machinery in the light of both civil justice (The Woolf Report) and criminal justice (The Royal Commission), and the consequent changes in its law and practice. Also incorporated is the decision in Pepper v. Hart, implementation of the Maastricht Treaty, and many other developments.

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