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Complete Poems.

Rok: 1978
ISBN: 9780674154315
OKCZID: 110154592

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KEATS, John. Complete poems. Editor Jack STILLINGER. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1982, 493 s. ISBN 0-674-15431-2.

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



Here is the first reliable edition of Keats's complete poems designed expressly for general readers and students. Upon its publication in 1978, Stillinger's The Poems of John Keats won exceptionally high praise: "The definitive Keats," proclaimed The New Republic--"An authoritative edition embodying the readings the poet himself most probably intended, prepared by the leading scholar in Keats textual studies." Now this scholarship is at last available in a graceful, clear format designed to introduce students and general readers to the "real" Keats. In place of the textual apparatus that was essential to scholars, Stillinger here provides helpful explanatory notes. These notes give dates of composition, identify quotations and allusions, gloss names and words not included in the ordinary desk dictionary, and refer the reader to the best critical interpretations of the poems. The new introduction provides central facts about Keats's life and career, describes the themes of his best work, and speculates on the causes of his greatness.

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