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Multiscale and Multiresolution Methods: Theory and Applications (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering)

Rok: 2001
ISBN: 9783540424208
OKCZID: 110156240

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BARTH, Timothy J., ed., CHAN, Tony F., ed. a HAIMES, Robert, ed. Multiscale and multiresolution methods: theory and applications. Berlin: Springer, [2002]. x, 389 stran. Lecture notes in computational science and engineering, 20.



Many computionally challenging problems omnipresent in science and engineering exhibit multiscale phenomena so that the task of computing or even representing all scales of action is computationally very expensive unless the multiscale nature of these problems is exploited in a fundamental way. Some diverse examples of practical interest include the computation of fluid turbulence, structural analysis of composite materials, terabyte data mining, image processing, and a multitude of others. This book consists of both invited and contributed articles which address many facets of efficient multiscale representation and scientific computation from varied viewpoints such as hierarchical data representations, multilevel algorithms, algebraic homogeni- zation, and others. This book should be of particular interest to readers interested in recent and emerging trends in multiscale and multiresolution computation with application to a wide range of practical problems.

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