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Introduction to Molecular Medicine

Rok: 2002
ISBN: 9780387953724
OKCZID: 110158978

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ROSS, Dennis W. Introduction to molecular medicine. Ilustrace David POUNDS. 3rd ed. New York: Springer Verlag, c2002. xv, 153 s.

Hodnocení: 4.5 / 5 (6 hlasů)



This updated and revised third edition of INTRODUCTION TO MOLECULAR MEDICINE explains the fundamental principles vital to an understanding of the human genome, gene regulation and expression, and genetic engineering. Principles are then applied to the diagnosis and treatment of human disease in infectious diseases, inherited genetic diseases, the immune system and blood cells, cancer, and public health. Fully rewritten and with dozens of new illustrations, the Third Edition presents the basics of molecular biology and its impact on medicine in a concise, conversational format. Each chapter begins with an overview and ends with a summary. This edition also contains new discussions on the human genome project and genetic engineering with updated genetic maps. Ross' Introduction to Molecular Medicine remains a must-have information source for all physicians, residents, and medical students, as the book's stellar reviews demonstrate: "Well written and...presented in a style that is eminently readable...as an introduction to the applications of molecular biology and clinical medicine, Dr. Ross' book is recommended...of particular interest to pathology and clinical medicine residents." --ARCHIVES OF PATHOLOGY on the Second Edition. "will appeal to students and clinicians who will appreciate an introduction to this complicated field which unlike others, is easy and good fun to read." -- Annals of Oncology.

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