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Rok: 1988
ISBN: 9780444809650
OKCZID: 110160206

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ELLIS, Gwynn Pennant, ed. a WEST, G. B., ed. Progress in Medicinal Chemistry. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1988. 351 s.



The six reviews in this volume cover once again a most comprehensive range of topics. The anti-malarial activity of the 8-aminoquinolines is examined, with an eye to the development of a single, broad-spectrum drug. Chelation, important in removal of toxic metals from the body, is reviewed for tripositive elements. A new and promising approach to total parenteral nutrition is described. Our indebtedness to the plant origins of many modern drugs is noted in the context of new chemicals. Heterosteroids and receptor-specific opioid peptides constitute two further topics, each case highlighting the wide range of relevant biologically active compounds. Yet another volume challenging the staggering diversity of the field of medicinal chemistry.

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