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Autor: Ainsworth, G. C.
Rok: 2008
ISBN: 9780851998268
OKCZID: 110162339
Vydání: 10th ed. /
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
AINSWORTH, G. C. Ainsworth & Bisby's dictionary of the fungi / by P.M. Kirk ... [et al.] ; with the assistance of T.V. Adrianova ... [et al.]. 10th ed. /. Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CABI Pub., 2008. xi, 771 s.
This new edition, with more than 21,000 entries, provides the most complete listing available of generic names of fungi, their families and orders, their attributes and descriptive terms. For each genus, the authority, the date of publication, status, systematic position, number of accepted species, distribution, and key references are given. Diagnoses of families and details of orders and higher categories are included for all groups of fungi. In addition, there are biographic notes, information on well-known metabolites and mycotoxins, and concise accounts of almost all pure and applied aspects of the subject (including citations of important literature).