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Color atlas of oral diseases

Autor: Laskaris, George
Rok: c2003
ISBN: 9783137170037
ISBN: 9781588901385
OKCZID: 110164604
Vydání: 3rd ed., rev. and expanded

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LASKARIS, George. Color atlas of oral diseases. 3rd ed., rev. and expanded. New York: Thieme, c2003. x, 454 s.



This work seeks to aid physicians in solving diagnostic problems and preparing their own outline of treatment. The entire spectrum of both local diseases and oral manifestations of systemic diseases is presented. Each disease is illustrated by representative clinical colour photographs juxtaposed with a concise text delineating the clinical signs and symptoms. For the third edition, the text has been revised to keep pace with new concepts in oral medicine. The structure of the text has been clarified and made more practically useful, with references to etiology, clinical images, differential diagnosis, labaratory diagnostic tests, and therapy guidelines. cavity.

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