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Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

Rok: 2001
ISBN: 9789282419557
OKCZID: 110164713

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Evropská unie. Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001. 77 s.



At the meeting of the European Council in Nice from 7-9 December 2000, The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union was solemnly proclaimed. This publication sets out the Charter and aims to provide a thorough explanation of the different articles and their contents. The Union is founded on the indivisible, universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity; it is based on the priciples of democracy and the rule of law. To this end, the Charter reaffirms and strengthens these basic premises that lie at the very heart of the Union.

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