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The WHO manual of diagnostic imaging : radiographic technique and projections

Autor: Staffan Sandström, Harald Ostensen, Holger Pettersson
Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9789241546089
OKCZID: 110164851

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SANDSTRÖM, Staffan, PETTERSSON, Holger, ed. a OSTENSEN, Harald, ed. The WHO manual of diagnostic imaging: radiographic technique and projections. [S.l.]: International Society of Radiology, c2003. iv, 129 s.



The present volume in the series, the manual of Radiographic Technique and Projections, provides practical assistance and guidelines for exposures, projections and positioning of a patient as needed for a majority of common radiographic examinations. Although each examination needs to be tailor-made according to clinical problems, size and age of patients, and type of equipment used, this manual offers basic generic information, which can easily be modified according to local needs. Backed by sophisticated computer graphics, this manual will prove essential assistance and help to anybody involved in producing radiographs, be it general practitioners, medical specialists, radiographers or radiologists in any medical settings, although focusing specifically on needs in small and mid-size hospitals.

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