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Frontiers in chemical sensors : novel principles and techniques

Autor: Guillermo Orellana Moraleda, Maria C. Moreno-Bondi
Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9783540277569
NKP-CNB: aba013-000644744
OKCZID: 110166212

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ORELLANA MORALEDA, Guillermo, ed. a MORENO-BONDI, Maria C., ed. Frontiers in chemical sensors: novel principles and techniques. Berlin: Springer, c2005. xii, 370 s. Springer series on chemical sensors and biosensors, 3.



Optosensing applications for chemical monitoring now span environmental quality assurance, process control, food analysis, medical diagnostics, biosphere investigations, and even extraterrestrial research. Researchers, technologists, industrial scientists from over 25 countries provide this account of the latest results in the fields of new materials and principles for optical chemical sensing and biosensing, novel optoelectronics instrumentation and components for sensor development, integrated optical systems, micro-, nano- and multiplex sensors, optosensing array for genomics and proteomics, and applications of optical chemical sensors including commercial developments.

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