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Men without women

Autor: Hemingway, Ernest
Rok: 1994
ISBN: 9780099909309
OKCZID: 110167936

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HEMINGWAY, Ernest. Men without women. London: Arrow Books, 1994. 130 s.



"Men Without Women" was a milestone in Hemingway's career. "Fiesta" had already established him as a novelist of exceptional power, but with these short stories, his second collection, he showed that it is possible, within the space of a few pages, to recreate a scene with absolute truth, bringing to life details observed only by the eye of a uniquely gifted artist. Hemingway's men are bullfighters and boxers, hired hands and hard drinkers, gangsters and gunmen. Each of their stories deals with masculine toughness unsoftened by woman's hand. Incisive, hard-edged, pared down to the bare minimum, they are classic Hemingway territory.

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Books & Books s.r.o.
Československá bibliografická databáze

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