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Mounting optics in optical instruments

Autor: Paul R. Yoder
Rok: 2008
ISBN: 9780819471291
OKCZID: 110168533

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
YODER, Paul R. Mounting optics in optical instruments. 2nd ed. Bellingham: SPIE Press, 2008. xxvi, 752 s.



Entirely updated to cover the latest technology, this Second Edition gives optical designers and optomechanical engineers a thorough understanding of the principal ways in which optical components--lenses, windows, filters, shells, domes, prisms, and mirrors of all sizes--are mounted in optical instruments. Along with new information on tolerancing, sealing considerations, elastomeric mountings, alignment, stress estimation, and temperature control, two new chapters address the mounting of metallic mirrors and the alignment of reflective and catadioptric systems. The updated accompanying CD-ROM offers a convenient spreadsheet of the many equations that are helpful in solving problems encountered when mounting optics in instruments.Contents - Preface to 2nd Edition - Preface to 1st Edition - Terms and Symbols - Introduction - The Optic-to-Mount Interface - Mounting Individual Lenses - Multiple-Component Lens Assemblies - Mounting Optical Windows, Filters, Shells, and Domes - Prism Design - Techniques for Mounting Prisms - Mirror Design - Techniques for Mounting Smaller Nonmetallic Mirrors - Techniques for Mounting Metallic Mirrors - Techniques for Mounting Larger Nonmetallic Mirrors - Aligning Refracting, Reflecting, and Catadioptric Systems - Estimation of Mounting Stresses in Optical Components - Effects of Temperature Changes - Hardware Examples - Appendix A: Unit Conversion Factors - Appendix B: Mechanical Properties of Materials - Appendix C: Torque-Preload Relationship for a Threaded Retaining Ring - Appendix D: Summary of methods for Testing Optical Components and Optical Instruments under Adverse Enviromental Conditions - Index

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