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AK 0605 Elba-Toskánsko jih 1: 30 000

Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9783707901788
OKCZID: 110170699



Two-sided, folded road & tourist map of Elba, the Isola di Montecristo, and the Italian Tuscany coast from Rosignano to the north and Orbetello to the south. Elba is on one side, the near Italy coast on the reverse. This map is accurate and up-to-date and features shaded-relief coloring to depict topography. Map shows roads, ferry lines, places of interest, beaches, campgrounds, parks, natural features, marinas, airports, distances in kilometers. Inset of the Arcipelago Toscano and the islands of Giglio, Capraia, Giannutri. Some tourist text in multiple languages. Legend in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, and some Slavic languages.

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