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Reading history in early modern England

Autor: D. R. Woolf
Rok: 2000
ISBN: 9780521780469
NKP-CNB: old012-0342642
OKCZID: 110172769

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WOOLF, Daniel R. Reading history in early modern England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. 360 s. Cambridge studies in early modern British history.



This book focuses on the "after-life" of historical texts in the period between the arrival of printing in England and the early eighteenth century. Whereas previous studies of historical writing during this period have focused on their authors and on their style or methodology, this work examines the social forces that controlled what was written, and the impact of readers and publishers on authors. The intent is to situate the study of history books within the current literature on the history of the book and the history of print culture.

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