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Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Europa vom Mittelalter bis zur Barockzeit

Autor: Glück, Helmut
Rok: c2002
ISBN: 9783110170849
OKCZID: 110176307

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GLÜCK, Helmut. Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Europa vom Mittelalter bis zur Barockzeit. Berlin: Gruyter, c2002, 606 s. ISBN 3-11-017084-1.



German has been studies as a foreign language for some 1200 years. The oldest documents are medieval glossaries for travellers. In the High Middle Ages, the "direct method" predominated, with people learning the vernenaculars through oral instruction. In the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern ages, economic interests and mass explusions resulting from religious conflicts led to an intensification of the need to learn German. There is evidence of systematic teaching of German in Northern Italy in the 15th century, and at this time German was also being taught in Central and Eastern europe. The 16th century saw the production of a wide variety of language books, dictionaires, practice materials and finally also learners' grammars, and in the 17th century there was already a broad spectrum of concepts and media for learning German.

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