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Becoming a Healthy Church: 10 Characteristics

Rok: 1999
ISBN: 9780801011771
OKCZID: 110181013

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MACCHIA, Stephen A. Becoming a healthy church: 10 characteristics. 4th print. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1999. 239 s.



Stephen Macchia moves beyond church growth to offer a fresh perspective on church health. In addition to giving ten characteristics to strive for in pursuing church health, Macchia relates countless stories of churches that exhibit these characteristics. The author has gathered a multitude of experiences from pastors, lay leaders, and parishioners representing survey data from nearly two thousand churches. The results can be applied to churches everywhere, regardless of size, denomination, ethnic diversity, geography, and setting. The book includes end-of-chapter study guides and an appendix and bibliographyperfect for adult Sunday school classes, Bible studies, and lay and ordained church leaders.

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