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Fuzzy expert systems and fuzzy reasoning

Autor: Siler, William
Rok: c2005
ISBN: 9780471388593
OKCZID: 110182673

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SILER, William. Fuzzy expert systems and fuzzy reasoning. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, c2005. xvi, 405 s.



Fuzzy sets were for a long time not accepted by the AI community. Now they have become highly evolved and their techniques are well established.  This book will teach the reader how to construct a fuzzy expert system to solve real-world problems. After a general discussion of expert systems, the basic fuzzy math required is presented first, requiring little more math background than high-school algebra. This book will fill a void in the market because although there are many books on expert systems, none devote more than a few pages to the notion of fuzzy sets and their applications in this domain. Therefore their use in this book is timely and should be well received. The book is designed as a text and has ample problems with solutions, a solutions manual and an accompanying program on our ftp site. Coverage is accessible to practitioners and academic readers alike.

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