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The European Union and the South : relations with developing countries

Autor: Lister, Marjorie
Rok: 1997
ISBN: 9780415160995
ISBN: 9780415160988
OKCZID: 110189368

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LISTER, Marjorie. The European Union and the South: relations with developing countries. New York: Routledge, 1997. vi, 200 s. The Routledge University association for contemporary European studies.



At the end of the current millenium the best description of Europe's relations with the developing countries of the South is: all change. Since 1957 the European Community has operated special policies for developing countries, many of which were formerly European colonies. However, neither the policies for Central and South America, the Lome Convention for the African, Caribbean and Pacific States, nor successive policies for the Mediterranean countries reflect a unified Europe. The European Union and the South begins by investigating the prospects for a common European foreign policy. It argues that Europe has developed a complex web of external relations, but no common foreign policy. In so far as the EU seeks a special world role to overcome its image as political dwarf, the role of champion or partner of the developing South has much to recommend it. This book presents an up-to-date, scholarly analysis of the foreign and development policy dilemmas facing Europe today. It will be essential reading for students of European external relations, development policy and international affairs.

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