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Rok: 1999
ISBN: 9783764353612
OKCZID: 110190305
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CHRAMOSTA, Walter M. Helmut Richter: Bauten und Projekte = Buildings and projects. Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2000. 211 stran.
Helmut Richter's architecture is determined by the concept of progress: his buildings are hallmarks of the development of constructional engineering; his spatial concepts, especially in numerous housing projects, presume new social behaviors. Richter's oeuvre, which is comprehensively presented in this book for the first time, is characterized by an attitude directed towards an ultimate clarity and efficiency, understanding architecture as a risky yet vital process of insight, always experimenting with functional patterns and with building design, a continuous experiment with the limits of technology. Richter's most recent buildings are not only milestones of contemporary Austrian architecture but also set a standard for international development.