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The Anthropology of War (School of American Research Advanced Seminars)

Rok: 1990
ISBN: 9780521380423
OKCZID: 110191104

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HAAS, Johnatan, ed. The Anthropology of war. Cambridge: University Press, 1990. xiv, 242 s.



The book brings together a group of authors who are addressing the nature and causes of warfare in simpler, tribal societies. The authors represent a range of different opinions about why humans engage in warfare, why wars start, and the role of war in human evolution. Warfare in cultures from several different world areas is considered, ranging over the Amazon, the Caribbean, the Andes, the Southwestern United States, Southeast Asia, Polynesia, and Malaysia. To explain the origins and maintenance of war in tribal societies, different authors appeal to a broad spectrum of demographic, environmental, historical and biological variables. Competing explanatory models of warfare are presented head to head, with overlapping bodies of data offered in support of each.

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