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Isaiah (Westminster Bible Companion) (Volume 2, Chapters 40-66)

Rok: 1998
ISBN: 9780664257910
OKCZID: 110193933

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BRUEGGEMANN, Walter. Isaiah 40-66. 1st ed. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1998. x, 263 s. Westminster Bible companion.



In this volume, Walter Brueggemann focuses on Second Isaiah (Isaiah 40-55), believed to be written by a second exilic poet, and Third Isaiah (Isaiah 56-66), a third group of texts that rearticulate Isaianic theology in yet another faith situation. Brueggemann discusses both the distinctiveness of the texts and their canonical relatedness.Books in the Westminster Bible Companion series assist laity in their study of the Bible as a guide to Christian faith and practice. Each volume explains the biblical book in its original historical context and explores its significance for faithful living today. These books are ideal for individual study and for Bible study classes and groups.

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