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The New Interpreter's Bible Index

Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780687039166
OKCZID: 110195348

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KECK, Leander E., ed. Index. Nashville: Abingdon, c1995. viii, 520 s. The new interpreter's Bible, vol. [13].

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



The New Interpreter’s Bible Index (NIB Index) is the definitive reference guide to the major subjects, names, and places discussed in the New Interpreter’s Bible: A Commentary in Twelve Volumes (NIB). The NIB Index continues the NIB tradition of providing the best in contemporary biblical scholarship for the service of the church, through the enhancement of preaching, teaching, and the study of the Scriptures. The design of the NIB Index, like that of the NIB, was shaped by two controlling principles: (1) form serves function, and (2) maximum ease of use. The NIB Index allows fast and easy access to all twelve volumes of the NIB, resulting in optimum use of the commentary. Now the reader can search for and find references to and in-depth discussions on a wide variety of topics, including the NIB’s visual aids as well as its text. Focusing on those entries that address a topic substantially and advance discussion significantly for the reader’s needs produced the following indexes: ·      Subjects and Themes ·      Ancient Literature ·      Persons in the Bible ·      Persons Outside the Bible ·      Places in the Bible ·      Places Outside the Bible ·      Biblical Languages: Hebrew and Greek ·      Lists of Maps, Charts, Illustrations, and Abbreviations ·      Excursuses (further expositions of biblical topics) ·      Reference Lists from the Bible (for example, prayers in the Bible and names of women in the Bible). Arrangement of the indexed terms is appropriate for students, teachers, and preachers of the Scriptures. For example: Main Headings that are relevant to the interests of the reader Cross-References to guide the reader to related areas of interest Format that is easy to read with clear, large type Accuracy in page referencesScope that encompasses from names, places, and themes, to Greek and Hebrew words with their translations.~

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