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Evidence-based medicine toolkit

Autor: Carl Heneghan, Douglas Badenoch
Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9780727918413
OKCZID: 110197059

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HENEGHAN, Carl. Evidence-based medicine toolkit. 2nd ed. Malden: BMJ Books, 2006. v, 105 s.



This bestselling pocket guide to the skills of evidence-based medicine succeeds in demystifying the terminology and processes in a handy and easy-to-follow format, all within the space of 100 pages. With an improved layout, this second edition of Evidence-based Medicine Toolkit offers more up-to-date guidance as well as new sections on important areas of research. New features of this second edition include:A box for each major database showing how to search the evidence, and highlighting the differences between them Flow charts for different study types New critical appraisal sections on qualitative research and economic evaluation Expanded list of EBM resources on the net.With these added features to make the job easier, the new Toolkit is now an even better companion for all health care professionals using evidence-based methodology in their research and practice.

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