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East Asian security | |||||
Rok: 1996 Anotace"An excellent and provocative collection of articles on East Asia and its post-Cold War security dilemmas. Indispensable for courses dealing with East Asian security issues." -- Yuen Foong Khong, Oxford University The future of East Asian security has become a critically important topic in the post-Cold War world. Virtually all of the Asia-Pacific countries are enjoying rapid economic growth, but many remain wary of their neighbors. Unlike every other region of the world, East Asia's military spending continues to accelerate. East Asian Security addresses some of the most important strategic questions about the future of the region. Contributors: Desmond Ball. Thomas U. Berger. Richard K. Betts. Michael E. Brown. Aaron L. Friedberg. Michael G. Gallagher. Banning Garrett. Bonnie Glaser. Saburo Ienaga. Alastair Iain Johnston. Peter J. Katzenstein. Sean M. Lynn-Jones. Steven E. Miller. Nobuo Okawara. Denny Roy. Gerald Segal. Dostupné zdroje