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Oxford handbook of clinical medicine

Autor: Longmore, J. M.
Rok: cop. 2001
ISBN: 9780192629883
OKCZID: 110200092
Vydání: 5th ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LONGMORE, J. M. Oxford handbook of clinical medicine. 5th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. xxiii, 857 s.

Hodnocení: 4.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



Major revision! Here is the fifth edition of the definitive, best-selling Handbook of medicine in the world. But not just a new edition: the authorship has evolved, and the structure of the book has been revised for the first time since first publication, making this the most comprehensive revision of this core text to date. The text has been rewritten and revised taking into account extensive market research among medical students and junior doctors. Expanded emergency section! The emergency section has been significantly extended to meet the needs of first-line junior doctors. It is still banded in red for immediate access. New topics include: Headaches; Chest pain; Breathlessness; Anaphylactic shock; Broad, complex tachycardia; Narrow, complex tachycardia; Myocardial infarction/thrombolysis; Tension pneumothorax; Pneumonia; Cerebral abscess; Acute renal failure; GI bleeding and more! New features! There is a new section on practical procedures, and a new section of plates showing important X-ray images. Completely up to date! The text has been brought up to date with many changes on every page. The text is based on good clinical evidence, taking into account new guidelines and information from the UK Centre for Clinical Excellence, where appropriate.

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