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Medicine and Surgery: An integrated textbook With STUDENT CONSULT online access

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780443072604
OKCZID: 110201306

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LIM, Eric Kian Saik, ed., LOKE, Yoon Kong, ed. a THOMPSON, Alastair M., ed. Medicine & surgery: an integrated textbook. Edinburgh: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone, 2007. xvi, 1042 s.



This is a stunning new hybrid textbook that has evolved as a direct response to the increasing integration of the two disciplines of medicine and surgery in today's medical curricula. The advantage of this combined approach is it reduces the amount of reading by the elimination of repetition (and inconsistencies) to provide an integrated explanation of the common problems faced both by students during exams and clinicians in daily practice. This book's greatest asset is the ability to illustrate that medical and surgical treatment options are actually part of a continuum in the management of disease.An integrated textbook combining the two major clinical specialities of general medicine and general surgery.Written and edited by a team of physicians and surgeons supported by a team of specialist subject advisors.Puts medicine and surgery in the context of the continuum of disease management and outlines a comprehensive and structured approach to patient management.Adopts a current evidence-based approach with extensive use of national and international guidelines.A full colour textbook with innovative design features and illustrations.

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