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Methods in enzymology. vol. 277, part B, Macromolecular crystallography

Rok: 1997
ISBN: 9780121821784
OKCZID: 110201415

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CARTER, Charles W, ed. a SWEET, Robert M, ed. Methods in enzymology. New York: Academic Press, 1997. Part B.: xxxiii, 664 s. Methods in enzymology /editors in chief Sidney P. Colowick, Nathan O. Kaplan, vol. 277.



Macromolecular Crystallography, Part B is the"linch-pin"of the ongoing revolution in structural biology. In the past decade, fundamental transformations of nearly every technical aspect of structure determination by X-ray diffraction have taken place. The contributions of this volume and its companion Volume 276 emphasize the revision and extension of statistical tools that underly all phases of structure determination, the practical and conceptual impact of synchrotron radiation, horizon phase-determination methods, and computerized automation. Key Features* Horizon methods for phase determination* Structure building, refinement, and analysis* Analysis of static diffraction patterns and multiple diffraction patterns recorded as a function of time* Accessory software for manipulating, archiving, analyzing, and presenting structures* Documentation of integrated software packages containing the tools needed for structure solution

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