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Leviticus 23-27 : a new translation with introduction and commentary

Rok: c2001
ISBN: 9780385511957
ISBN: 9780385500357
OKCZID: 110203059

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Leviticus 23-27: a new translation with introduction and commentary. New York: Doubleday, c2001. xxi, s. 1896-2714. The Anchor Bible, 3B.

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



Jacob Milgrom, a rabbi and Bible scholar, has devoted the bulk of his career to examining the laws of the Torah. His incisive commentary on Leviticus, which began with Leviticus 1-16, continues in this last volume of three. It provides an authoritative and comprehensive explanation of ethical values concealed in Israel's rituals. Although at first glance Leviticus seems far removed from the modern-day world, Milgrom's thoughtful and provocative comments and notes reveal its enduring relevance to contemporary society.Leviticus 23-27 brings us to the climactic end of the book and its revolutionary innovations, among which are the evolution of the festival calendar with its emphasis on folk traditions, and the jubilee, the priestly answer to the socio-economic problems of their time.With English translations that convey the nuance and power of the original Hebrew, this trilogy will take its place alongside the best of the Anchor Bible Commentaries.

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