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Vascular Surgery (Springer Surgery Atlas Series)

Rok: 2008
ISBN: 9783540411024
OKCZID: 110207509



This Vascular Surgery Atlas is a  'How to'  book that allows the reader to focus on the technical aspects of the most commonly performed vascular procedures. The book is edited by two seasoned vascular surgeons with a well established  experience in surgical education.  The authors have been selected from both sides of the Atlantic to provide the expertise necessary to cover  the various procedures.The atlas is focused on open surgical procedures and also covers essential endovascular procedures such as 'Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair and Carotid stenting.' It also includes a section on exposures of the infrainguinal vessels. The format allows the reader to easily follow the various steps of procedures.  The art work shows all the details necessary to understand the anatomy and the technical aspects of the procedure.  The layout of having  text on one side and the associated art on the opposite page allows the reader to easily follow and understand the various steps on the described procedure.The atlas will benefit surgical residents, vascular surgery fellows and vascular surgeons.

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