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A Corpus of formal British English speech : the Lancaster/IBM spoken English Corpus

Autor: Gerry Knowles, Briony Williams, L. Taylor
Rok: 1997
ISBN: 9780582056398
OKCZID: 110209967

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KNOWLES, Gerry, ed., WILLIAMS, Briony, ed. a TAYLOR, L., ed. A Corpus of formal British English speech: the Lancaster/IBM spoken English Corpus. 1st publ. New York: Longman, 1996. vii, 269 s.



This work provides 50,000 words of prosodically-transcribed text from a variety of sources. The introduction explains fully the transcription conventions, the structure of the corpus and its relationship to other computer corpora, and provides examples of different versions of texts.

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