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Allergy : an illustrated colour text

Autor: Arshad, Hasan S.
Rok: c2002
ISBN: 9780443062711
OKCZID: 110211834
Vydání: 1st ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ARSHAD, Hasan S. Allergy: an illustrated colour text. 1st ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, c2002. ix, 113 s.

Hodnocení: 3.5 / 5 (6 hlasů)



Allergy is of great importance to doctors in that an enormous proportion of patients are (or claim to be) suffering from allergy. It is hard to distinguish genuine and potentially serious immunological disease from other non-specific illness. This book presents a short, highly illustrated account of the subject using the presentational techniques of the Illustrated Color Text series (double page spread, extensive use of graphics, key point boxes, etc.).

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