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Complications of abortion : technical and managerial guidelines for prevention and treatment

Rok: 1995
ISBN: 9789241544696
OKCZID: 110211990
Vydání: [lst ed.]

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Světová zdravotnická organizace. Complications of abortion: technical and managerial guidelines for prevention and treatment. [lst ed.]. Geneva: WHO, 1995. 147 s.



Sets out guidelines that can help reduce the high levels of maternal morbidity and mortality associated with abortion whether spontaneous or induced. Recommendations and advice are backed by extensive practical experience and rooted in the principle that emergency care for the complications of abortion should be available 24 hours a day in every health care system. In view of the need to prevent life-threatening complications the book also establishes standards of safe abortion practice for use in those countries where abortion is permitted by law. Prevention of abortion through education and family planning is likewise discussed. Addressed to health managers administrators and care providers the book follows a step-by-step approach to the provision of emergency and preventive care. The first three chapters describe the magnitude of mortality and morbidity caused by unsafe abortions define the essential components of abortion care at each level in the health system and discuss the ways in which legal and societal factors affect abortion behaviour and care. Against this background the remaining eleven chapters provide technical and managerial guidelines for each component of service at each level of the health system needed to ensure that all women have access to care 24 hours a day. A chapter on planning is followed by three chapters outlining the clinical elements of emergency abortion care. Of particular value is a chapter on patient information and counselling which emphasizes the importance of providing information in a supportive manner. Other chapters offer detailed guidance on the facilities equipment and drugs needed for abortion care on the training and supervision of staff and on ways to overcome several obstacles that make it difficult for women in remote rural areas to receive timely care.

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