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The Settlement of Foreign Investment Disputes

Rok: 2000
ISBN: 9789041114358
OKCZID: 110219696

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SORNARAJAH, M. The Settlement of foreign investment disputes. <> Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2000. 390 s.



Disputes arising from foreign investment activities are on the increase, and with them a growing awareness among practitioners of a greater variety of settlement methods than most legal analyses have dealt with heretofore. With the experience gained in recent years from a broad spectrum of successful negotiation, arbitration, and litigation techniques, it is possible to derive a comprehensive, critical survey of the principal methods of settling foreign investment disputes. This outstanding book masterfully provides such a survey. The Settlement of Foreign Investment Disputes in International Law treats the subject systematically, dealing first with the internal balances within modern foreign investment contracts, the complexities that arise due to state participation or interference in these contracts, and the stances that are taken when disputes arise. It goes on to examine, in turn, the main issues involved in negotiation, arbitration, and judicial settlement as the methods of settling foreign investment disputes, discussing the controversial themes in each of these methods in detail. Recognizing that the focus of attention is shifting to the misconduct of multinational corporations, the last chapter contains a discussion of the role of domestic courts.

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