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Totemism in Chinese Minority Ethnic Groups

Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9787508510095
OKCZID: 110224441

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HE, Xingliang. Totemism in Chinese minory ethnic groups. Beijing: China Intercontinental Press, c2007, 128 s. Ethnic cultures of China. ISBN 978-7-5085-1009-5.

Hodnocení: 3.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



Part of the Ethnic Cultures of China series, the book introduces totem and totemism in Chinese minority ethnic groups. The contents include: characters of totemism of the groups, totem objects and totem types, peculiar religious concept, the earliest clan badges and symbols, mysterious ceremony, strange unwritten law, early fairy tales and arts, and totem worship and traditional culture of Chinese minority ethnic groups.

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