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The Mycota: a Comprehensive Treatise on Fungi as Experimental Systems for Basic and Applied Research: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Vol 3

Rok: 1996
ISBN: 9783540580041
OKCZID: 110225174

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ESSER, Karl, ed., LEMKE, Paul A., ed., BRAMBL, Robert, ed. a MARZLUF, George A., ed. The mycota: a comprehensive treatise on fungi as experimental systems for basic and applied research. 1st ed. Berlin: Springer, 1996. 449 s.



Biochemistry and molecular biology are among the most rapidly emerging areas of the life sciences, and a number of important advances have been made with fungi and yeasts since the first edition of this volume was published in 1996. The reader will be struck by the influence of genomics projects upon the design and interpretation of experiments in almost all areas. The availability of large amounts of sequence data has quickly altered the scope and dimensions of genetics and biochemistry, leading to new insight into fungal biology. Earlier chapters on mitochondrial import of proteins, pH and regulation of gene expression, stress responses, signal transduction, polysaccharidases, trehalose metabolisms, polyamines, carbon metabolism, and acetamide metabolism have been extensively revised or rewritten. Completely new chapters have been prepared on gene ontogeny, peroxisomes, mitochondrial gene expression, chitin biosynthesis, iron metabolism, GATA transcription factors, carbon metabolism, and sulfur metabolism.

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