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Test Equating: Methods and Practices (Springer Series in Statistics)

Rok: 1999
ISBN: 9780387944869
OKCZID: 110225653

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KOLEN, Michael J. Test equating: methods and practices. New York: Springer, c1995. xviii, 333 s. Springer series in statistics.

Hodnocení: 4.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



In recent years, many researchers in the psychology and statistical communities have paid increasing attention to test equating as issues of using multiple test forms have arisen and in response to criticisms of traditional testing techniques. This book provides a practically-oriented introduction to test equating which covers discussions of the most frequently used equating methodologies and many of the practical issues involved. The main themes are: - the purposes and assumptions of equating - classical equating methods - item response theory equating methods - standard errors of equating - practical issues in equating.

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