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What is Exhibition Design? (Essential Design Handbooks) | |||||
Rok: 2007 Hodnocení: 3.0 / 5 (6 hlasů) AnotaceA Practical tool to unlock the mechanics of exhibition design and production.What is Exhibition Design? is the ultimate guide to the many facets of this rapidly emerging discipline, from retail design to museums and trade shows û every field that applies graphic information to place and object.This unrivalled handbook is a guide to the world of exhibition design, exploring what constitutes successful design and how it works. It clarifies the roles of the various design skills involved in exhibition design, and explores how new technology and materials expand the possibilities for both form and function. It also describes the tools and processes for design and manufacture, methods of prototyping, and means of transporting, assembling and dismantling exhibits.What is Exhibition Design? provides a stunning, diverse portfolio of cutting-edge work from designers and studios around the world. Like the other titles in the Essential Design Handbooks series, this will be essential reading for every professional and student involved with exhibition design.**North American Rights Only** Dostupné zdroje