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Montaillou : cathars and catholics in a French village 1294-1324

Autor: Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Barbara Bray
Rok: 1980
ISBN: 9780140054712
OKCZID: 110230525

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LE ROY LADURIE, Emmanuel. Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics In A French Village 1294 - 1324. Překlad Barbara BRAY. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1980. 381 s.



n the early 1300's the village of Montaillou & the surrounding mountainous region of Southern France was full of heretics. When Jacquest Fournier, Bishop of Pamiers, launched an elaborate Inquisition to stamp them out, the peasants & shepherds he interrogated revealed, along with their position on official Catholicism, many details of their everyday life. Basing his absorbing study on these vivid, carefully recorded statements of peasants who lived more than 600 years ago--Pierre Clergue, the powerful village priest & shameless womanizer is even heard explaining his techniques of seduction--eminent historian Le Roy Ladurie reconstructs the economy & social structure of the community & probes the most intimate aspects of medieval life: love & marriage, gestures & emotions, conversations & gossip, clans & factions, crime & violence, concepts of time & space, attitudes to the past, animals, magic & folklore, death & beliefs about the other world.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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