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Art and Electronic Media (Themes & Movements)

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9780714847825
OKCZID: 110233038

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Art and electronic media. 1st pub. Editor Edward A. SHANKEN. London ;, New York: Phaidon Press, 2009, 304 s. Themes and movements. ISBN 978-0-7148-4782-5.

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



Art and Electronic Media is the latest installment in the THEMES AND MOVEMENTS series, a collection of groundbreaking sourcebooks on the prevailing art tendencies of our times. This is the first book to explore mechanics, light, graphics, robotics, networks, virtual reality and the possibilities afforded by the web from an international perspective. It outlines the importance of figures previously neglected by art history, including engineers, technicians, and collaborators. Included are works by over 150 artists, both familiar - Jenny Holzer, Bruce Nauman, James Turrell, Mario Merz - as well as emerging and recent pioneers, such as Robert Lazzarini, Blast Theory, Granular Synthesis, Simon Penny, Marcel.li Antunez Roca, Mikami Seiko, and Jonah Bruckner-Cohen. The book is divided into seven thematic sections arranged chronologically. Art and Electronic Media is a lucid, accessible, and authoritative evaluation of continually developing media. As part of the THEMES AND MOVEMENTS series, Art and Electronic Media is intended for uninitiated readers and scholars alike. They include a complete overview of each theme or movement, situating individual artists' work in the context of modern art. Each book contains documents including artists' statements; interviews; manifestos; project notes; reviews and articles by key critics; and parallel texts from other cultural, philosophical, and literary sources. Also featured are approximately 250 plates, including rarely-published installation shots and preliminary drawings. Finally, each book includes biographies of all the artists and authors involved, plus a comprehensive bibliography.

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