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Bibliometrics and citation analysis : from the Science citation index to cybermetrics

Autor: De Bellis, Nicola
Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9780810867130
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)268952958
OKCZID: 110234725

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
DE BELLIS, Nicola. Bibliometrics and citation analysis: from the Science citation index to cybermetrics. Lanham, Maryland: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2009. xxxi, 417 stran.



Bibliometrics and Citation Analysis: From the Science Citation Index to Cybermetrics offers a comprehensive overview of theories, techniques, concepts, and applications in the interdisciplinary and steadily growing field of bibliometrics. This book looks at bibliographic citation and citation networks by discussing the past, present, and future of bibliometrics, from its foundations in the Science Citation Index to its expansion into the World Wide Web. It is useful to those in every area of scholarship involved in the quantitative analysis of information exchanges, but also to general readers who simply wish to familiarize themselves with an important area of information science.

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