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The Oxford history of English music

Autor: John Caldwell
Rok: 1991-1999
ISBN: 9780198161295
ISBN: 9780198162889
OKCZID: 110234733

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CALDWELL, John. The Oxford history of English music. Oxford: University Press, 1991-1999. 2 sv.



The Oxford History of English Music, Volume 2 takes the story of English Music from c.1715 to the present day. Apart from discussing the music of the principal composers, it focuses to a certain extent on the work of lesser musicians, and includes developments in light and popular music as well as in serious genres. After seven chapters in which the main events are considered chronologically, a further chapter deals specifically with folk music and popular music of all periods, and a final chapter covers social issues not otherwise handled in detail. There are over a hundred musical examples, illustrating all chapters except the last, and all based on original sources.

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