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Mathematics for engineers and scientists

Autor: Alan Jeffrey
Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9781584884880
OKCZID: 110235095

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
JEFFREY, Alan. Mathematics for engineers and scientists. 6th ed. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2005. xvi, 994 s.



Since its original publication in 1969, Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists has built a solid foundation in mathematics for legions of undergraduate science and engineering students. It continues to do so, but as the influence of computers has grown and syllabi have evolved, once again the time has come for a new edition.Thoroughly revised to meet the needs of today's curricula, Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, Sixth Edition covers all of the topics typically introduced to first- or second-year engineering students, from number systems, functions, and vectors to series, differential equations, and numerical analysis. Among the most significant revisions to this edition are:Simplified presentation of many topics and expanded explanations that further ease the comprehension of incoming engineering studentsA new chapter on double integralsMany more exercises, applications, and worked examplesA new chapter introducing the MATLAB and Maple software packagesAlthough designed as a textbook with problem sets in each chapter and selected answers at the end of the book, Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, Sixth Edition serves equally well as a supplemental text and for self-study. The author strongly encourages readers to make use of computer algebra software, to experiment with it, and to learn more about mathematical functions and the operations that it can perform.

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