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Fundamentals of Medicinal Chemistry

Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9780470843079
OKCZID: 110235928



Provides a concise introduction to the chemistry of therapeutically active compounds, written in a readable and accessible style. The title begins by reviewing the structures and nomenclature of the more common classes of naturally occurring compounds found in biological organisms. An overview of medicinal chemistry is followed by chapters covering the discovery and design of drugs, pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism, The book concludes with a chapter on organic synthesis, followed by a brief look at drug development from the research stage through to marketing the final product. The text assumes little in the way of prior biological knowledge. relevant biology is included through biological topics, examples and the Appendices. Incorporates summary sections, examples, applications and problems Each chapter contains an additional summary section and solutions to the questions are provided at the end of the text Invaluable for undergraduates studying within the chemical, pharmaceutical and life sciences.

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