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Prognostic factors in cancer

Rok: 1995
ISBN: 9783540586883
OKCZID: 110236666
Vydání: [1st ed.]

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HERMANEK, Paul, ed. International union against cancer. Prognostic factors in cancer. [1st ed.]. Berlin: Springer, 1995. XVI, 290 s.



This monograph is the result of an effort by the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) to study prognostic factors related to cancer. It is an extension of the long-term work on the TNM Classification, the most widely used staging classification and the strongest prognostic tool for most cancers. The purpose of the monograph is to compile information on prognostic factors for most tumor sites and selected tumor types. Each site- or tumor-specific chapter provides a general overview of the relevant literature on prognostic factors. Where possible, the authors have attempted to assess these factors in terms of their clinical relevance and of their strength and independence in influencing prognosis.

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