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Atlas of Genodermatoses

Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9781841842516
OKCZID: 110246945

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CAPUTO, Ruggero. Atlas of genodermatoses. London: Taylor & Francis, 2006. xvi, 423 s.



This book is a lavishly illustrated guide to almost 200 inherited diseases of the skin, hair, and nails. Each entry includes synonyms, age of onset, clinical findings, complications, course, laboratory findings, diagnosis, therapy, and key references, adding up to far more than just a collection of photographs. In addition to being a clinical primer, this is also a work of scientific research and contains the first printed description of two new syndromes. The fast-moving world of genetic research means that the latest genetic correlations, included here, render previous texts out of date. All specialists in dermatology and pediatrics should find this an invaluable front-line resource in the clinic.

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